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What games are suitable for each age group?

These toys are ideal for the various stages of your baby's first year.

  • From newborn to six weeks:  Your baby will be attracted to colors with great contrasts and shapes. Pendant toy Play mat and baby gym Cassettes / CDs with baby music

  • About 3 to 6 months: Your baby will start rolling, may begin to respond to his name, and may be able to find partially hidden objects. Cloth books Rattles Soft cuddly toys

  • From about 6 to 8 months:  Your toddler will show more accuracy in picking up and grabbing objects, can sit up unsupported, and will start lying and making different sounds. Interlocking containers, Wooden bricks, Baby mirror, Bathroom toys, Small hardboard books, Tooth rings

  • From 8 to 12 months:  Your baby will respond to a wide variety of stimuli, may crawl or even start walking, and may even begin to say a few words. Toy - phone Bulky bricks and little people, Musical toys, Toys he can draw with him, Toys he can climb on them (12 months)




Playing safely: 



  • Buy toys from reputable sources

  • Discard the package after opening the toy

  • Keep toys away from fire

  • Be careful when older children play with toys that have small objects close to your baby

  • Always wear a baby seat belt when using cribs

  • Collect toys to avoid falling, and do not leave toys on the stairs

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