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Welcome to the world of parenting!
An exciting journey is about to start and Mothercare, through this journal, is going to be by your side and advise you throughout your pregnancy weeks.
Get informed about everything that parents need to know such as pregnancy, baby growth, body and psychology changes, doctor examinations and appointments and of course parturition, breastfeeding and baby care.
Our midwife and lactation consultant IBCLC Ms Georgia Leze every week is going to show you a special path to a healthy and happy baby.
Încă simți efectele acelor hormoni timpurii ai sarcinii - dar cel puțin te-ai obișnuit cu orice schimbări de dispoziție până acum. De asemenea, probabil că găsiți o mulțime de modalități de a vă face să vă simțiți mai bine, cum ar fi exercițiile fizice. Între timp, copilul tău este ocupat să dezvolte o mulțime de lucruri, de la ochi până la degete de la picioare!
Tu și bebelușul sunteți într-adevăr în leagănul lucrurilor acum – se întâmplă magie în acea burtă! Iată la ce să vă așteptați în săptămâna a șaptea:
Your body is still being affected by all those hormones.
From one minute to the next you probably don’t know if you’re laughing or crying. Gentle exercises can help you to relax and feel better mentally, as well as keeping you fit and healthy. You don’t have a bump yet, but your uterus has grown a lot, from the size of a clenched fist to about the size of a grapefruit. As it expands, you may feel some mild cramping in your tummy. This is normal but it’s worth reporting to your doctor, so you’re doubly sure all is well.
Your baby’s development is rocketing along now. They’ve grown from the size of a pea to that of a blueberry – a whopping 1.25cm long! Your baby has tiny webbed fingers and toes, and the teeth and palate are starting to form. Their ears and eyes are developing, and they even have little eyelids, though these won’t open for a while. Their liver is producing lots of red blood cells and as your baby’s skin is transparent, you can clearly see their veins.
Fascinatingly, your amazing baby is starting to make their first, small movements.
As your baby’s future teeth start to develop, it’s time to focus on yours.
It’s really important to take care of your teeth during pregnancy, as hormonal changes can make your gums vulnerable to plaque. Pregnancy gingivitis or gum disease can be avoided by good dental hygiene – careful brushing and avoiding sugary snacks will help. During your pregnancy use specific products suitable for pregnant women which are low in fluoride.
Schedule a visit to your dentist for a dental check and cleaning.
Do not neglect the intake of folic acid during your pregnancy until the 16th week. Your little baby has a huge need of the adequacy of this acid which contributes positively to it’s neurological development. Folic acid is recommended to be consumed by the mother-to-be even 3 months before conception. A special complex of vitamins for pregnant women may add a greater nutritional advantage to you and your baby. The forthcoming laboratory test will identify the additional need or not in folic acid or thyrormone.
Mothercare & Early Learning Centre has over 50 years experience in all baby related products, from Prams and Pushchairs to Maternity Clothes ,Baby Clothes and Toys. With this experience comes a wealth of parenting and pregnancy advice, all of which we love to share with you. So whether you need inspiration for your nursery ,are stuck on which of our car seats to choose from, don't know what clothes to buy for your baby or even what toys to select we know we have the expertise and information to help you make these important choices. We hope you find what you are looking for and enjoy your time on