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Your Pregnancy Week by Week
2st Trimester: Pregnancy Week 14

Welcome to the world of parenting!

An exciting journey is about to start and Mothercare, through this journal, is going to be by your side and advise you throughout your pregnancy weeks.

Get informed about everything that parents need to know such as pregnancy, baby growth, body and psychology changes, doctor examinations and appointments and of course parturition, breastfeeding and baby care.

Our midwife and lactation consultant IBCLC Ms Georgia Leze every week is going to show you a special path to a healthy and happy baby

Pregnancy Week 14

You should have much gentler pregnancy symptoms in week 14, but peek inside and you'll see plenty going on. When you're 14 weeks pregnant, what to expect?

  • pregnancy symptoms in week 14 include running to the loo, and a brand new bump
  • everyone wanting to talk about your exciting news
  • a bit more energy to take on light exercise
Υou at Pregnancy Week 14

You're definitely in your second trimester now, so symptoms like sickness should be a thing of the past (although some mums do feel nauseous for the next few months – sorry!). You'll need to run to the loo more often this week, as the blood flow to your kidneys increases and your bladder takes on more work than it's used to. You might feel a few mild aches in your lower tummy as the ligaments supporting your womb stretch and shift. These are sore, but nothing to worry about unless you're also experiencing a fever or any bleeding (if you are, phone your midwife or doctor).

Υour baby at Pregnancy Week 14

Brand new facial muscles are getting a real workout as your little one pulls lots of funny faces.

Their body is growing faster than their head now, which is sitting on a much stronger neck. Their arms are almost in proportion, but their legs still need to grow longer. Your little bean is getting bigger every day, and now they'll be about the size of a lemon. 

Τhings to do in Pregnancy Week 14

Keeping fit during pregnancy is good for your health and for baby's, and light exercise like swimming and walking are best.

If you've not already signed up for a pre-natal yoga class, now's a good time to do it. You've probably told everyone your happy news by now, and so this week you'll probably be getting lots of questions, advice and suggestions from excited friends and family members. Take everything with a pinch of salt, as their tips and stories are based on their own experiences and it might be different for you.

Listen to what they have to say and make your choices consulting your doctor since every person is unique.