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Your Pregnancy Week by Week
2st Trimester: Pregnancy Week 15

Welcome to the world of parenting!

An exciting journey is about to start and Mothercare, through this journal, is going to be by your side and advise you throughout your pregnancy weeks.

Get informed about everything that parents need to know such as pregnancy, baby growth, body and psychology changes, doctor examinations and appointments and of course parturition, breastfeeding and baby care.

Our midwife and lactation consultant IBCLC Ms Georgia Leze every week is going to show you a special path to a healthy and happy baby.

Pregnancy Week 15

At week 15, your baby will be around the size of an apple, with improving hearing and growing legs. It does not listen yet with the outside but with the inside ear and reacts to sounds caused by cracking, barking, honking.

You might find you're more likely to come down with coughs or colds as your immune system suppresses itself and may prefer to sleep on your side.

As your bump continues to grow it restricts the return of blood from your baby to the back position. As a result you may experience typical symptoms such as dizziness, tendency to vomit or blistering. Be sure to lean to the side, left or right, or seek resting positions that keep you at an angle of more than 30 degrees to the ground.

You're 15 weeks pregnant! What to expect? Among other things, a comfortably sized bump and none of the more annoying first trimester symptoms. 

  • pregnancy symptoms at week 15 include a suppressed immune system, so watch out for coughs and colds. Note your contact with people with symptoms, pre-school or school-age children and adults who are not directly family members.
  • your baby's hearing is getting better 
  • as your bump gets bigger, sleeping on your side is more comfortable
Υou at Pregnancy Week 15

From stuffy noses to darker skin, pregnancy symptoms at week 15 can be a little bit weird.

This week your hormones are producing more melanin, which makes your skin darker and your immune system becomes slightly suppressed, so you may have more coughs and colds than usual. You may also find it more comfortable to sleep on your side as your tummy grows.

Lots of mums-to-be get dark patches on their faces: this is called chloasma, or the mask of pregnancy, and thankfully it fades away once your baby's born. From now on, you may notice the appearance of papilloma, like moles in various parts of your body.

Υour baby at Pregnancy Week 15

It's no wonder your bump is getting bigger; your baby is around the size of an apple!

Their legs are about the same size as their arms now, so they're really starting to look like a baby rather than a foetus. Although their eyes are still closed they can sense light, and their hearing is getting better as the tiny bones inside their ears harden - so be careful what you sing in the shower!-.Most of the time, your baby will be practising for their grand entrance: sucking, swallowing, breathing and flexing those muscles. It daily swallows large amounts of amniotic fluid and practises so that it can cope with breathing and swallowing

Τhings to do in Pregnancy Week 15

You don't have to tell your boss you're pregnant for another ten weeks, but it's good to do it early because there are lots of laws to protect pregnant mums. For example, your work has to give you time off to go to antenatal classes.

If you're planning to get an amniocentesis, it'll take place anywhere from now until week 18. These tests can find hundreds of genetic and chromosomal disorders, so it's normal to feel a bit nervous while you wait for your results. Hopefully it'll set your mind at rest to know that good news is more common than bad. In any case, consult your doctor before proceeding.

Schedule your next visit to your doctor or midwife in the next two weeks.