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Your Pregnancy Week by Week
2st Trimester: Pregnancy Week 19

Welcome to the world of parenting!

An exciting journey is about to start and Mothercare, through this journal, is going to be by your side and advise you throughout your pregnancy weeks.

Get informed about everything that parents need to know such as pregnancy, baby growth, body and psychology changes, doctor examinations and appointments and of course parturition, breastfeeding and baby care.

Our midwife and lactation consultant IBCLC Ms Georgia Leze every week is going to show you a special path to a healthy and happy baby.

Pregnancy Week 19

Feeling your baby's kicks through the bump is a magical moment for you and your partner, and it may start this week. Naturally at this stage you are bigger and feeling a bit less comfortable.

Not only is your bump growing, but there are other pregnancy symptoms popping up all over your body around this time.

  • hormones are loosening your joints and ligaments
  • you might start getting leg cramps as your body adjusts. During pregnancy a lot mommies are in need of more magnesium and exercise especially adapted to your needs.
  • gentle stretching and sitting down throughout the day can help
Υou at Pregnancy Week 19

Pregnancy symptoms week 19 include lots of little aches and pains. As well as muscle pain in your lower back and round ligament pain in your lower tummy, this week you might also get leg cramps. These feel like spasms up and down your calves, and although no-one's a hundred per cent sure what causes them, it's probably due to you carrying that heavy bump around. To get rid of cramp, stretch your leg out and gently flex your foot (point – flex). On the plus side, this week you might feel your baby kick for the first time!

Υour baby at Pregnancy Week 19

It's all go inside your womb right now! Your baby's senses are getting better, and they can taste the amniotic fluid. The flavour changes depending on what you eat, so if you munch plenty of broccoli while you're pregnant you might find your baby has a taste for it when weaning time comes along. Your baby's hearing is getting better too, so don't be shy about chatting (or singing!) to your bump. They are also covered in a waxy substance called vernix caseosa (smegma), to protect their delicate skin from the amniotic fluid. The smegma is extremely moisturizing for the skin and offers protection at the low temperatures for your baby until birth

Τhings to do in Pregnancy Week 19

If you've not already done it, speak to your doctor for any examinations you need to do and be informed if you are entitled to some of them for free or with reduced participation from your fund. If you didn't have your anomaly scan last week, it'll be scheduled in for this week or next. This is just to check that baby's developing as expected, and you might even get to find out if they're a boy or a girl!

Also, you will have to decide whether or not to perform the amniocentesis by the end of this week.