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Your Pregnancy Week by Week
3rd Trimester: Pregnancy Week 35

Welcome to the world of parenting!

An exciting journey is about to start and Mothercare, through this journal, is going to be by your side and advise you throughout your pregnancy weeks.

Get informed about everything that parents need to know such as pregnancy, baby growth, body and psychology changes, doctor examinations and appointments and of course parturition, breastfeeding and baby care.

Our midwife and lactation consultant IBCLC Ms Georgia Leze every week is going to show you a special path to a healthy and happy baby.

35th week of pregnancy

With the baby constantly squirming in the belly, you are now used to the idea of ​​carrying a little human inside you. You will most likely feel that your movements are heavier and slower than usual (while your baby is full of energy!). Don't let your body rust! You need your flexibility, sense of well-being and good mood to help you and your baby have a pleasant welcome to motherhood!As the baby seeks more… space inside you, there are certain things you can do to feel more comfortable. 

  • Relax whenever you can - sofa, bed and bathroom are your friends!
  • Avoid tea and coffee to reduce trips to the toilet
  • Treat aches and indigestion by breathing deeply on all fours
Υou at Pregnancy Week 35

Having gained an average of 10-12.5 kg, you still won't gain much weight. Your uterus has grown so much that it has reached inside the chest cavity, making the baby's movements much more noticeable. In fact, it is possible to see small hands and paws sticking out! Shortness of breath and indigestion are completely normal symptoms at this stage, however contact your doctor or midwife if you experience severe discomfort. 

Symptoms that are evaluated as important are the feeling of cramping in the liver area, sudden weight gain with severe swelling in the face, headache and intense itching in the area of ​​the soles of the feet or the palm. Your baby's movements are important so stay tuned and observe them throughout the day.

Υour baby at Pregnancy Week 35

How much the baby has grown, reaching 46 cm in length and 2.4 kg in weight! Sudden kicks under the chest are a sign that he is looking for more space. At the same time, as the walls of the uterus stretch, more light gets in and your little one begins to understand the day-night cycle (something he will forget once he's out!). The preparation for the big day continues with the finishing touches, such as furs and midget nails on the ends. 

Its entire body is protected and covered with sebum, a fatty protective substance that provides thermoregulation and protection to your tummy.

Τhings to do in Pregnancy Week 35

Speaking of nails… if you struggle to get a pedicure on your own, this is a chance to get pampered! Indulge in a relaxing foot bath or foot massage. Alternatively, make an invigorating bubble bath by adding a few drops of lavender essential oil. Swimming is also a good idea to keep healthy and fit, as the buoyancy of the water relieves you of weight and gives you more freedom of movement. 

Do daily labor exercises and practice labor breaths through your pregnancy education. Motherhood is a wonderful journey and you need your allies! Find now your own midwife who will help you with childbirth and breastfeeding.